Adrian Dominican Sisters, Adrian, Michigan

The Adrian Dominican Sisters are an international Congregation of about 776 vowed women religious whose roots go back to St. Dominic in the 13th century. They are committed to preaching the Word of God, the formation of community centered on faith and ministry to further the values of the Gospel among themselves, and around the world.

Death Penalty Statement 

The Adrian Dominican Sisters are committed to the life and dignity of every human person and the common good. We share the unimaginable pain and suffering of the victims and their families as we support them in our prayers, compassion and the struggle for healing and justice. The family of the offender suffers their own pain and shame, as well as the pain of the victim’s family. We challenge all of the citizens of the United States to forgiveness and compassion for the offender. In John 8:1-11, where the law demanded death by stoning, Jesus cautioned about judging others and presented hope in the possibility of reform and redemption. The Catholic Church’s social doctrine recognizes that the state may impose the death penalty upon criminals convicted of heinous crimes if this is the only available means to protect society from a grave threat to human life. This condition is almost non-existent today.

Congregation Website