Conversations in Communion Companion Training Co-Facilitators
Get to know our Co-Facilitator Team for the Conversations in Communion Companion Trainings!
Janice Andersen
Janice Andersen is a native New Yorker, born and raised in Brooklyn. She moved to the Midwest with her family and serves on staff…
Robert Ehnow, Ph.D
Robert Ehnow, Ph.D, is the Director for the Office for Life, Peace and Justice at the Catholic Diocese of San Diego. He holds a…
Sr. Rose Ann Hefner, CSJ
Sr. Rose Ann Hefner, CSJ, is a member of the Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph, a licensed Professional Counselor, an Emeritus Licensed Social…
María Cristina Hernández
María Cristina Hernández is an immigrant from Quito, Ecuador, with 25 years of experience in parish and diocesan ministries in the United States. She…
Kayla Jackson-Wolff
Kayla Jackson-Wolff serves as University Minister and Coordinator of the Beloved Community Fellowship at Dominican University. She previously served as the Director of Social…
Don McCrabb, D. Min.
Don McCrabb, D. Min. is a pastoral theologian committed to serving the formation needs of a Synodal Church in Mission. His passion is for…
Sheila M. McMahon, Ph.D., M.Div., MSW, LCSW
Sheila M. McMahon, Ph.D., M.Div., MSW, LCSW is currently the Visiting Scholar and Director for the Restorative Justice and Catholic Social Thought program at…
Holly O’Hara
Holly O’Hara is a young adult minister and a restorative justice practitioner living in Chicago, IL. She currently works at DePaul University as the…
Carolyn D. Townes, OFS
Carolyn D. Townes, OFS is an experienced facilitator, circle keeper, and storyteller and a professed member of the Secular Franciscan Order (OFS). Carolyn has…
Caitlin Morneau, M.A.
Caitlin joined the CMN team in 2017 after seven years of direct social services, volunteer management, operations, and program implementation at faith-based and secular…
Leslie Willis
Leslie Willis is the Conversations in Communion Program Coordinator. After supporting CMN with the 2020 virtual Restorative Justice Conference, she is excited to return…