Donnie Cleveland Lance

UPDATE: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 Donnie Cleveland Lance was executed by lethal injection by the state of Georgia. This was the country’s second execution of 2020 and Georgia’s first of the year.
The state of Georgia plans to execute Donnie Cleveland Lance on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 for the 1999 murders of his ex-wife Sabrina “Joy” Lance, and her boyfriend Dwight “Butch” G. Wood, Jr.  
The Catholic Church teaches that the death penalty is unacceptable in all cases because it is “an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person.” (Catholic Catechism 2267) 
Mr. Lance’s attorneys have advised that sending letters to the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles would not be helpful for Mr. Lance’s clemency case. No Letters are requested on his behalf at this time. 
At times like these we may feel at a loss of what to do in the face of such egregious acts of violence. These are the moments when we pray for God’s guidance and Grace.  Please pray, on behalf of Donnie Cleveland Lance, that he may come to know God’s peace and ever-present mercy.

God of Mercy,
You bestow upon every person a dignity that cannot be extinguished, no matter the harm someone has suffered or caused.
Rooted in this sacred value of all life, we work together to transform the criminal justice system by ending the death penalty. Enliven our commitment to “work with determination for its abolition worldwide.” 
Ignite in our imaginations more restorative approaches to harm and violence that embody Your vision of right relationship. For any person who is a victim of, responsible for, or witness to crime, may we be vessels of Your hope, healing, and redemption.
Embolden in us the fire to foster a culture of life. Sustain our pursuit of reconciling justice, that we may model your compassion and mercy with our lives. 
In Jesus’ name we pray.