STOP the Execution of Carey Grayson

Write a letter to Governor Kay Ivey urging her to STOP the execution of Carey Grayson.

Alabama intends to execute Carey Grayson on November 21, 2024 for the murder of Vicki Lynn Deblieux.

Carey’s upbringing was rife with mental illness, abuse, and instability. When he was 19 years old, Carey was among three other teenagers who together abducted and killed Vicki Deblieux who was hitchhiking along the road they were driving down. Three of the four boys were originally sentenced to death, while one was sentenced to life.

Following a U.S. Supreme Court decision that prohibits the use of the death penalty for juveniles 18 years old and younger, the other two boys who had received a sentence of death had their sentences commuted to life in prison. Because Carey was 19 at the time of the crime, this rule did not apply to him.

Current understanding of brain development demonstrates that the qualities which differentiate juveniles from adults do not immediately disappear when we turn 18. At 19 years old, Carey was more similar to his younger counterparts than he was different.

Today, Carey is the only one of the four boys who is slated to die for this crime, despite the fact that the state has said he is not the most culpable.

Please contact Gov. Ivey TODAY and urge her to do everything in her power to stop the execution of Carey Grayson.