God of Mercy Prayer Card
This prayer serves to remind us of the unconditional opportunity for redemption that, as God’s children, we all share. Pray it alone or with others in community, asking God to “sustain our pursuit of reconciling justice, that we may model Christ’s compassion and mercy with our lives.”
“God of Mercy,
You bestow upon every person a dignity that cannot be extinguished, no matter the harm someone has suffered or caused.
Rooted in this sacred value of all life, we work together to transform the criminal justice system by ending the death penalty. Enliven our commitment to “work with determination for its abolition worldwide.”
Ignite in our imaginations more restorative approaches to harm and violence that embody Your vision of right relationship. For any person who is a victim of, responsible for, or witness to crime, may we be vessels of Your hope, healing, and redemption.
Embolden in us the fire to foster a culture of life. Sustain our pursuit of reconciling justice, that we may model your compassion and mercy with our lives.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
Download CMN’s “God of Mercy” Prayer Card at the link below. Also available in Spanish here.
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