A statement from Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy, Executive Director of Catholic Mobilizing Network, on the Supreme Court decision to throw out the murder conviction and death penalty of Richard Glossip

For Immediate Release: February 25, 2025
Contact: Moira Greaney at (e) moira@catholicsmobilizing.org (p) 301-456-4733
Website: catholicsmobilizing.org X: @CMNEndtheDP

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2025 — “Praise God! The Supreme Court of the United States has made a life-saving decision to throw out the murder conviction and death sentence of Richard Glossip, a man who has maintained a strong claim of innocence for all 27 years he’s spent on Oklahoma’s death row.

In the words of Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who wrote on behalf of five judges, ‘Glossip is entitled to a new trial.’

Mr. Glossip never received a fair trial. His case shows how arbitrarily death sentences are handed down, with the undisputed killer, Mr. Glossip’s co-defendant, receiving a life sentence compared to Mr. Glossip’s sentence of death. 

Mr. Glossip’s story has captured the nation’s attention because it shines a spotlight on so much of the brokenness in our death penalty system. Oklahoma legislators and even the state attorney general supported that there isn’t enough evidence to uphold Mr. Glossip’s conviction and death sentence. And now, the highest court in the land has agreed. 

This is surely a welcome and celebratory moment in Mr. Glossip’s case. It is not lost on us, however, that the insidious system of death in the state of Oklahoma continues, with an execution scheduled in March. 

What Mr. Glossip’s case underscores is the unbelievable cruelty of capital punishment altogether. He has faced nine different execution dates over the years — an unthinkable number. On three occasions, he has eaten his last meal, said his goodbyes, and come within hours of losing his life. 

The Catholic Church teaches that all human life is sacred, regardless of innocence or guilt. There is no place for the death penalty in that vision of a consistent ethic of life.

It is my prayer that Mr. Glossip’s opportunity for a new trial will enable the state of Oklahoma to prioritize a vision of justice that is rooted in healing, wholeness, and repair — rather than vengeance and retribution.”


Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Catholic Mobilizing Network is a national organization that mobilizes Catholics and people of goodwill to end the death penalty, advance justice solutions in alignment with Catholic values and promote healing through restorative justice approaches and practices. For more information and to join the movement, visit catholicsmobilizing.org.