Ellie Hidalgo co-directs Discerning Deacons, a project to engage Catholics in the active discernment of our Church about women and the diaconate and to contribute to the renewal of the diaconate. Previously, she served as pastoral associate of Dolores Mission Church in East Los Angeles.

Ellie Hidalgo, es codirector de Discerning Deacons, un proyecto para involucrar a los católicos en el discernimiento activo de nuestra Iglesia sobre las mujeres y el diaconado y contribuir a la renovación del diaconado. Anteriormente, fue asociada pastoral de la Iglesia Dolores Mission en el este de Los Ángeles.

Posted Dec 11 2023

Our Indigenous brothers and sisters show us a way to more fully understand the message that Our Lady of Guadalupe gave us nearly 500 years ago. It begins with encounter.

drawing of Rita Chairez by J Michael Walker
Posted Nov 04 2022

Every year on All Souls Day, each of us carry in our hearts loved ones whose lives and memories we cherish. My own heart aches to have recently lost a dear friend, community leader and Dolores Mission ministry colleague, Rita Chairez.