State + Legislative Update

State + Legislative Update

NEW HAMPSHIRE  Death penalty repeal bill HB 455 was introduced into the New Hampshire state legislature earlier this winter, and quickly made its way through both chambers. The House voted 279-88 to pass the bill…

A Reflection for Good Friday

A Reflection for Good Friday

Forgiving When It Feels Impossible By: Kate Grosmaire On Good Friday, 2010, I found myself at the Leon County Jail, waiting to visit the man who had shot my daughter — her boyfriend, Conor. Through…

A Reflection for Holy Thursday

A Reflection for Holy Thursday

God’s Love: Undeserved, Unconditional, and Unifying  By: Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy Writing a reflection for Holy Thursday feels like a daunting task; this day in our Catholic tradition is so multi-faceted. Abundant in symbolism and sacred…

A Reflection for Palm Sunday

A Reflection for Palm Sunday

Jesus Rode Into Jerusalem to Give Us Life By: Deacon Denny Davis On Palm Sunday, Jesus rides into Jerusalem to eventually face his execution after being accused of believing there is much more to love…

A Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Lent

A Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Lent

Lent Is the Time to Return and Stay By: Julio Escobar In the story of the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus responds to the sneering of the Pharisees: “This man welcomes sinners and eats with…

A Reflection for the Solemnity of St. Joseph

A Reflection for the Solemnity of St. Joseph

Drawing Inspiration from the “Hidden Life” of St. Joseph By: Sr. Rita Ann Teichman, CSJ Each morning it is my custom to rise early and spend time in contemplative prayer. I am fortunate to enjoy…

A Reflection for the Third Sunday in Lent

A Reflection for the Third Sunday in Lent

Responding to the Unraveling By: Molly Linehan The opening of this Sunday’s Gospel sounds like chaos. People were dying tragically, some at the hand of the government and others in powerful and unpredictable disasters. As…

A Reflection For the Second Sunday in Lent

A Reflection For the Second Sunday in Lent

Our Ways Are Not His Ways By: Becky Visosky To be Christian and to follow Christ is not an invitation to be passive.  It is a daily challenge to lay down our own preconceived notions,…