Pope Francis Speaks about Reconciliation in Colombia

“Thank you, Lord, for the witness of those who inflicted suffering and who ask for forgiveness; for the witness of those who suffered unjustly and who forgive. This is only possible with your help and presence… this is already a great sign of your desire to restore peace and harmony in this land of Colombia.”

In 2012, the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) entered into a peace process after nearly fifty years of civil war. As the agreement was signed in 2016, but continues to be ratified and face barriers to implementation. In September of 2017, Pope Francis visited Colombia and spoke at the foot of the Crucifix of Bojayá. He called victims and perpetrators of violence to enter into truth-telling and transformative encounter in order to realize the healing peace of Christ in their midst. 

“Let us heal that pain and welcome every person who has committed offenses, who admits their failures, is repentant and truly wants to make reparation, thus contributing to the building of a new order where justice and peace shine forth.”

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