Sisters of the Precious Blood
Founded in 1834 by Maria Anna Brunner, the Sisters of the Precious Blood are an active apostolic congregation devoted to Eucharistic prayer and motivated by the selfless sacrifice of Jesus. In imitation of the life-giving, reconciling power of the precious blood of Christ poured out for us, they flow forth to care, comfort, aid, and heal. Fueled by a vibrant faith, their ministries take them beyond traditional convent walls and into real world communities throughout the United States, Chile, and Guatemala; into the lives of real people in need of real help. They rely on the special gifts and talents of each of our sisters to champion justice, provide voices to the unheard, and light to those living in darkness.
Corporate Death Penalty Statement
We, the Sisters of the Precious Blood in Dayton Ohio, publicly condemn the use of capital punishment in the United States and in the world. We believe the use of capital punishment is responding to violence with violence and perpetuates the cycle of violence and revenge. We believe that every life is sacred from conception to its natural death. We urge government leaders to abolish the death penalty. We encourage government leaders to find alternative ways to protect society from dangerous offenders, all the while respecting their dignity as human beings.
To carry out this stand, we, the Sisters of the Precious Blood, Dayton, Ohio, will pursue opportunities and activities that will bring about the abolition of the death penalty. We will strive to promote nonviolence and justice rather than revenge.