Bequests: Leave a Legacy of Life
You probably want to be remembered for the difference you made in the lives of others — for the legacy you will leave behind.
Catholic Mobilizing Network invites you to consider leaving a Legacy of Life through a bequest or planned gift to CMN. These gifts allow you to defer your charitable gift until after your lifetime and make a life-affirming impact.
Your Will or Living Trust
Charitable bequests allow you to defer your gift until after your lifetime. Remembering Catholic Mobilizing Network in your will or trust can be easily accomplished with the designation of a specific dollar amount or specific asset. These brief descriptions can help you plan, though you will also want to consult an attorney.
Residual Bequests leave the residue of your estate after you have provided for family members and other beneficiaries. “I give and bequeath the residue of my estate to Catholic Mobilizing Network for its general charitable purposes.”
Percentage Bequests leave a fixed percentage of your estate. “I give and bequeath ____% (name a specific percentage) of the total value of my estate to Catholic Mobilizing Network for its general charitable purposes.”
General Bequests leave specific assets of your estate. “I give and bequeath the sum of $______ (or specific property such as stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) of my estate to Catholic Mobilizing Network for its general charitable purposes.”
To learn more, please contact Jeff Sved, Director of Development, at