Don Edward Johnson

Don Edward Johnson is scheduled to be executed on May 16, 2019 in Tennessee for the murder of his wife, Connie Johnson. This is in spite of the recent controversy surrounding objections to the use of lethal injections for the prolonged and painful deaths they cause. Additionally, Johnson’s recent petition to compel testing of biological evidence following the Post-Conviction DNA Analysis Act of 2001 has been denied by the post-conviction court. 
Catholic Mobilizing Network calls on all people of goodwill to oppose this action. Write Governor Bill Lee to ask for clemency for Mr. Johnson. Personalize this one-click letter to advocate on his behalf. 
Take additional action by visiting Mr. Johnson’s website and send a letter to Governor Haslam asking for clemency.
To learn more about clemency click here.
The contact information for the Tennessee Board of Parole is: 
Tennessee Board of Parole
404 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 1300
Nashville, Tennessee  37243
Email the Board at:

The contact information for the Governor of Tennessee is: 
Governor Bill Lee
1st Floor, State Capitol
Nashville, TN 37243
(615) 741-2001