Trust Like Joseph, Be Present Like Jesus: A Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Advent
Jesus came to be present with us. We can embody that presence in our ministry to others.
Jesus came to be present with us. We can embody that presence in our ministry to others.
During his time as a prison chaplain, Dr. Arturo Chávez met many “Juan Diegos” — men lost in the darkness of personal shame and systemic injustice.
“Lord, come and save us” is a refrain prayed by crime victims, the incarcerated, and those burdened by our broken criminal legal system.
Mary is there to comfort any mother who has lost a child — whether to illness, death, or incarceration.
God promises a justice far greater than the one offered by our criminal legal system.
If we “stay awake” we may see the Son of Man coming in even the most unlikely of places — like on death row.
While serving time in prison, Ernie found healing by encountering God and understanding that he is truly loved.
Our Lady of Guadalupe’s commitment to Juan Diego and the Nahua people echoes the joyful promise that is offered in today’s Gospel: the coming of a Redeemer who will baptize by fire.
How can we hold joy while still following the call to repent and prepare the way of the Lord?
Mary’s example of strength reminds us of the value that each human has.
The sister of a murder victim realized that she had to find closure within herself before she could work to repair the harm that had been done to her.
A death row chaplain and his spiritual advisee discuss the meaning of God’s mercy.