[Toolkit] Resources to Educate & Advocate against the Death Penalty

In September 2022, CMN had the privilege of teaming up with the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network to produce a video featuring Pope Francis’ monthly prayer intention for the abolition of the death penalty. In the video, the Holy Father invites us to pray “that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country.”

This toolkit provides a wealth of materials to help you pray, educate, and advocate for an end to the death penalty in the United States. These resources are suitable for individual prayer or for engaging with your parish or diocese, especially during Respect Life Month, celebrated each October.

We hope these materials will help you amplify the call for transformation of our criminal legal system into one that honors the sanctity of human life. For any questions, please email us at info@catholicsmobilizing.org.

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Novena to End the Death Penalty

This prayer resource features nine days of prayer that lift up the dignity of life and the Catholic call to end the death penalty. CMN prays this novena each year starting on October 1, which begins Respect Life Month, celebrated each October. These nine days of prayer prepare us for World Day Against the Death Penalty (October 10).

Click here to download the Novena in English.
Click here to download the Novena in Spanish.


Catholic Teaching on the Death Penalty: This one-page handout presents the main facts around the Catholic Church’s history of opposition to the death penalty, and public statements of each of the last three popes acknowledging the ways capital punishment violates the inherent dignity of the human person. 

Click here to download this one-pager in English.
Click here to download this one-pager in Spanish.

Racism and the Death Penalty: Compounding Systems of Dehumanization: CMN’s advocacy toward ending the death penalty reveals the institutionalized racism and discrimination rampant in the U.S. criminal legal system, which has resulted in the overincarceration of Black and Brown people — particularly on death row.

Click here to download this one-pager.

Short Statements on the Church’s Position on the Death Penalty

This resource lists short facts and statements regarding the Church’s position on the death penalty. It is useful for creating social media posts, captions, and tweets, as well as starting conversations with audiences who may not be aware of the Church’s teaching against the death penalty.

Click to download this resource.

Tips for Preaching About the Death Penalty

This resource is designed for bishops, priests, and deacons who wish to connect the Church’s teaching against the death penalty to scripture in a homily. It includes a selection of Scripture passages, core Church teachings on the death penalty, and basic facts about capital punishment in the U.S..

Click to download this resource.

Death Penalty Quarterly: The Status of the Death Penalty in the U.S.

In July 2024, CMN launched its Death Penalty Quarterly to provide up-to-date information on the current landscape of the death penalty in the United States. It includes state and federal death penalty analysis, advocacy spotlights, quick facts, upcoming calendar items, and more.

Click here to view the July 2024 Death Penalty Quarterly.
Sign up to receive CMN’s Death Penalty Quarterly.

The Status of the Death Penalty Around the World

This infographic was produced in September 2022 by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network in collaboration with CMN. It places the U.S. within the global context of the death penalty and outlines what Pope Francis asks of each of us: to mobilize and pray for an end to the death penalty.

Click here to download this resource.

The U.S. Bishops’ Prayer to End the Use of the Death Penalty

This Prayer to End the Use of the Death Penalty was written by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Click here to view the prayer.

The Pope’s Prayer Video for the Abolition of the Death Penalty

Watch pope Francis’ 2-minute video in English:

Watch pope Francis’ 2-minute video in Spanish:

The Pope’s Prayer Video Script

Read the English translation to the Pope’s Prayer Video. This resource may be useful for those who are interested in further breaking-open the Pope’s message.

Click here to download the script.