
Pope Francis sends greetings on the occasion of CMN’s Justice Reimagined Awards & Celebration

In advance of the Justice Reimagined Awards & Celebration, hosted at the Vatican Embassy in Washington, DC on World Day Against the Death Penalty, CMN received the following letter from Cardinal Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States:

Dear Ms. Vaillancourt Murphy,

At the request of the Secretariat of State, I am pleased to forward to you the following message of His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of His Holiness Pope Francis on the occasion of the third Justice Reimagined Awards and Celebration sponsored by The Catholic Mobilizing Network to be held on October 10.

His Holiness Pope Francis sends greetings and cordial good wishes to all present, especially the honorees, for the Third Justice Reimagined Awards and Celebration sponsored by the Catholic Mobilizing Network. He joins you in giving thanks for the good realized through the Network’s advocacy for the repeal of the death penalty and promotion of restorative justice in the United States of America. He hopes that your efforts will continue to encourage all in the nation to recognize the inadequacy of capital punishment from moral as well as penal justice perspectives, and to support opportunities for reform and conversion for those convicted of crimes. He is confident that in this way, the innate and fundamental dignity of all human beings will be recognized and respected. To all gathered for this event, the Holy Father invokes and abundance of Almighty God’s blessings.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State

With prayerful best wishes and cordial regards, I remain,

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Cardinal Christophe Pierre
Apostolic Nuncio

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