Easter Sunday: Mercy Extended, Life Restored
April 9, 2023 | Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, O.F.M. Conv. | Today’s Readings
‘’They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.’’ (John 20:2)
When Mary of Magdala shared these words with Peter and John, you can imagine the combination of sadness, confusion, and fear that must have been going through her.
She had seen Jesus placed in the tomb, she saw the stone placed at the entrance. Her assumption was that this was the end, the story over. How wrong she was!
Because in reality, God’s plan for the salvation of humankind had simply taken the next giant leap. Jesus was not meant to stay in the tomb; he was to overcome all sin, even death. And in doing that, he was to give the promises for all of us that evil and sin and pain are not the final chapters in our story.
The Resurrection of Jesus is the incredible story of a future that is full of justice, mercy, healing, and hope.
The story of Jesus’ life here with us is one that begins in mystery and is filled with images of the many challenges that we, as humans, must face in life. At his birth, Jesus was homeless, and so far as we can tell, he remained without a permanent home throughout his life. ‘’Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head” (Matthew 8:20).
Jesus suffered from hunger and all the temptations of Satan. Read Luke 4:1-13 for all the details. And finally, after three years of selfless and generous public ministry, he was wrongly accused and suffered unspeakably, even dying on the Cross.
It is because of all these things that we can identify and unite with Jesus. Like him, we do not remain in the dark place of Good Friday. We rejoice with him in the promises of the Resurrection. Life is restored, mercy is extended, and even though this life will end, our human life will have finality, there is something extraordinary that God has planned for us, and Jesus has shown us the way.
In John’s Gospel, he promises that the Father has prepared a place for us and all we need to do is surrender to his will, follow Jesus’ example, and we will have life everlasting.
Hallelujah, He is Risen! Blessed Easter.