
Homily by Fr. William Kelley, S.J.

Homily by Fr. William Kelley, S.J.

In this homily, Fr. William Kelley, S.J. provides us with an inspirational call to understand how we, as Catholics, can uphold the dignity of all human life, regardless of circumstance. This comes in light of the recent, and unexpected July 25, 2019 announcement from the Department of Justice that it will resume executions at the…

Video Reflection from Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann

Video Reflection from Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann

This 7-minute video reflection by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas was recorded on the occasion of the federal government’s execution of Keith Dwayne Nelson on August 28, 2020.                                               In…

Tips for Preaching About the Death Penalty

Tips for Preaching About the Death Penalty

This new resource is designed for bishops, priests, and deacons who want to identify opportunities to connect the Church’s teaching against the death penalty to scripture. In this resource you will find: A selection of Scripture passages and Liturgical Feasts that lend themselves towards preaching about the death penalty Core Church teachings on the death…