Infographics and Social Media

Sample Bulletin Articles: Catholic Social Teaching and the Death Penalty

Sample Bulletin Articles: Catholic Social Teaching and the Death Penalty

Help to educate your parish or community with this set of 6 short bulletin articles focusing on Catholic Social Teaching and the Death Penalty. The articles cover different aspects of Catholic Social Teaching as it applies to the death penalty. These articles can also be customized to include upcoming events and meetings occurring in your parish…

Catholic Social Teaching & the Death Penalty Infographic

Catholic Social Teaching & the Death Penalty Infographic

Catholic Social Teaching brings the teachings of Jesus and his call to discipleship to the larger societal conversation of social justice. This infographic highlights the ways in which the continued use of the death penalty violates our call to live as a people of life. Click the “download resource” link below to download this PDF.

St. Maximilian Kolbe & Federal Executions

St. Maximilian Kolbe & Federal Executions

See below for a series of graphics highlighting the connection between the martyrdom of St. Maximilian Kolbe, patron saint of prisoners and the pro-life movement, and the federal government’s campaign to restart the practice of executions for the first time in 17 years. Download these eight images as a packaged zip file below. View on…