Litany for a More Expansive Gratitude

This prayer was composed by CMN staff for Thanksgiving in 2022. As many enter into a space of gratitude and share time with family, friends, and loved ones, this prayer acknowledges both the beauty and the pain of our human journey. It invites us to reflect on our interconnectedness — a value at the heart of restorative practices.

Consider offering this prayer at the beginning of a meal you share this season.

For the gifts of life, air, water, land and food,
And for those who care for your Creation,
Generous God, let us give thanks.

For the joy of family, friendship, and community,
For your Spirit teaching us to love and forgive each other,
Generous God, let us give thanks.

For the commitment of justice seekers and peacemakers,
For the courage and resilience of the Native peoples of this land,
Generous God, let us give thanks.

For your sacred presence in each one of us,
For your ever-lasting love that binds us together,
Generous God, let us give thanks.

May our hearts expand to embrace the beauty and the pain of our human journey, and to receive your grace and peace, today and every day.


Click the button below to download a printable PDF of this prayer!