Prayer of the U.S. Bishops to Address the Sin of Racism
Lord of all, we pray for healing to address the persistent sin of racism, which is the rejection of the full humanity of some of your children, and the talents and potential you have given them.
We pray for the grace to recognize the systems that do not support the dignity of every person, that do not promote respect for those who are seen as other, who bear the legacy of centuries of discrimination, fear, and violence. Give us eyes to see how the past has shaped the complex present.
We pray for social structures in which children of color can grow up without fear, in security and dignity, with access to health care and a quality education that will allow them to develop their gifts.
Empower us to create a new way forward, with a new sense of community that embraces and celebrates the rich diversity of all. Help us to live out your call to combat racism and hatred. Show us how to live in compassionate solidarity, supported by your grace and your love.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
This is a shortened version of the original prayer, which you can read in full here.
Click here to download the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ 2018 Pastoral Letter against Racism: Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love: