RJ Ministry Community of Practice

Do you practice restorative justice in a Catholic ministry? Join our nationwide community—a space for learning, connection, and growth.

CMN’s “RJ Ministry Community of Practice” is a virtual network of Catholic ministry leaders and faith-rooted restorative justice practitioners who seek to connect with one another, deepen their knowledge of restorative justice, and build skills for bringing restorative practices to their institutions and ministries.

The 650+ members of the RJ Ministry Community of Practice are bringing restorative justice practices to:

  • Prison & Reentry ministry—ministry and advocacy in the criminal legal system such as restorative practices inside prison, alternatives to incarceration, and community-supported reintegration and accountability
  • Victim-Survivor Accompaniment
  • Racial Dialogue & Healing—processes that address harm-laden topics including racial injustice and institutional harm
  • Faith Nonprofits & Networks—e.g., Catholic nonprofits, religious congregations, ministry networks
  • Education & Young Adult Ministry—schools, colleges, universities, and ministry to young adults on campuses or in Church life
  • Parish & Diocese—parish and diocesan ministries and organizational life
  • Community Restorative Justice Organizations—e.g., direct services, advocacy
  • Government & Legal Practice—e.g., attorneys, public defenders

Members belong to a specialized email listserv, where they share resources, news, and formation opportunities.

Each month, the community gathers for a free virtual event to build relationships with fellow practitioners and navigate core questions about implementing restorative practices in ministry.

Sign Up to Join the Community of Practice!

Monthly Community Events

Deepening Circles

Deepening Circles are virtual workshops for emerging and experienced RJ Ministry practitioners to reflect together on important themes and common challenges of restorative justice implementation. They happen every other month on Wednesday evenings.

In past Deepening Circles, we explored topics such as: restorative practices in parishes, educational settings, inside prison or for racial healing; accountability in restorative justice.

Circle Keeper Cafe

Join us for an informal gathering where ministers trained in circle keeping come together to connect and grow. Every other month, we zoom in on a different aspect of facilitation. You come away with a renewed sense of fellowship, fresh ideas, and encouragement for your next circle process. 

Skillcraft Sessions

Skillcraft Sessions are structured workshops led by experienced restorative justice practitioners in which participants acquire new skills and tools for facilitating restorative practices.

To be notified of upcoming community events, join the Community of Practice by filling in the form above!

Upcoming Restorative Justice Events:

  • Circle Keeper Cafe

    March 21

  • Lenten Circle — An Experience of Conversations in Communion

    March 11

  • Companion Training: Conversations in Communion (March)

    March 6

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