What is Jubilee 2025?

Throughout the next year, we’ll explore the Jubilee theme, “Pilgrims of Hope.”

Pilgrims of Hope

Every 25 years, the Catholic Church recognizes a special year to “proclaim liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and letting the oppressed go free.” A year that proclaims liberation, conversion, and reconciliation to mark a time to re-establish a proper relationship with God.

These Jubilee years each take on a particular theme, but are often rooted in forgiveness. Traditionally, these years include gestures of amnesty or pardons. Pope Francis announced the 2025 Jubilee Year in a document, called a “Bull of Indiction,” titled “Spes Non Confudit.” This title translates in English to: “Hope Does Not Disappoint.”

The Jubilee Year 2025 began on December 24, 2024 when Pope Francis opened the Holy Doors at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The year will close on January 6, 2026 — the feast of Epiphany.


Lenten Circles — An Experience of Conversations in Communion

Journeying as Pilgrims of Hope: A Special Jubilee Year Experience

Join CMN from November 5-7, 2025 for a life-changing journey. Individual applications are now open for CMN’s 2025 National Catholic Ministry Leaders Experience in Montgomery and Selma, AL.

Answer the Holy Father’s call to be Pilgrims of Hope during this Jubilee Year by exploring the roots of racial violence and discerning how to foster truth-telling and healing, to guide both our Church and country towards restoration and justice.

A tangible expression of hope.

In the invitation to this Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has called on Catholics to strengthen their own sense of hope, but also to “be tangible signs of hope” in the world.

One concrete expression of hope that Pope Francis explicitly calls for in Jubilee 2025 is the abolition of the death penalty.

Jubilee Webinar | Pilgrims of Hope: Tools for the Synodal Journey

CMN kicked off the Jubilee Year with a webinar exploring its relationship with the ongoing call to synodality, how we can manifest “tangible signs of hope” in our midst, and opportunities to engage death penalty abolition and restorative practices in the spirit of Jubilee throughout the year.

Jubilee Action — President Biden Commutes Federal Death Sentences

We kicked off the Jubilee Year by taking concrete action to urge President Biden to commute the sentences of the 40 men on federal death row. In a historic decision on December 23, President Biden commuted 37 of those 40 sentences.

Explore more for Jubilee 2025

Explore below to learn more about the federal death penalty and the Jubilee Year of 2025.

Pray in union with all of those around the world, with the words of Pope Francis for this special Jubilee Year of 2025.

CMN kicked off the Jubilee Year with a webinar exploring its relationship with the ongoing call to synodality, how we can manifest “tangible signs of hope” in our midst, and opportunities to engage death penalty abolition and restorative practices in the spirit of Jubilee throughout the year.

The U.S. federal death penalty operates separately from capital punishment throughout the states. Learn more about the current status of the federal death penalty along with facts and figures here.

January 16, 2025 | 2-3 p.m.

In this webinar, you’ll hear from Catholic Mobilizing Network, a lawyer with decades of experience litigating capital cases as a defense attorney, and a religious sister who has provided spiritual accompaniment for individuals residing on the federal death row in Terre Haute, Indiana—even accompaniment to their execution.

Help CMN end the death penalty

Join our community to educate, advocate, and pray for abolition.