Oklahoma Pushes to Schedule 25 Executions

Oklahoma Pushes to Schedule 25 Executions

This is an evolving situation that CMN is monitoring closely. Catholic Mobilizing Network and the Oklahoma Conference of Catholic Bishops are encouraging Catholic clergy and vowed religious to add their names to a faith leader…

CMN Statement on Stay of Execution for Melissa Lucio

CMN Statement on Stay of Execution for Melissa Lucio

April 25, 2022 | CMN Executive Director Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy offers the following statement regarding the recent stay of execution for Melissa Lucio issued by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. “We give thanks to God…

A Holy Week Message from CMN’s Executive Director

A Holy Week Message from CMN’s Executive Director

April 13, 2022 | As we continue through Holy Week, CMN’s executive director offers encouragement to those who stand at the foot of Jesus’ cross, bearing witness to Christ’s execution and the state-sanctioned killings of our…