

CMN Film List

This collection of movies and documentaries explores the issues of capital punishment and restorative justice and highlights themes of mercy, hope, and respect for life. Listed titles include Just Mercy (2019), Dead Man Walking (1996), and Where There is Darkness (2019). (Make sure to visit CMN’s Just Mercy Catholic study guide for reflection questions and Church…

March for Life Sign: Who Would Jesus Execute?

March for Life Sign: Who Would Jesus Execute?

Attending the March for Life? (Or know someone who is?) Carry this sign with you to affirm your commitment to upholding the dignity of ALL human life.  This poster is sized to 8.5″ x 11″ and can be easily printed on a standard sheet of computer paper. To have the design blown up to a…

Restorative Questions Card [Printable]

Restorative Questions Card [Printable]

CMN’s Restorative Questions Card is sized to fit in your pocket or wallet and be carried with you! About the Questions All of us have caused harm at some point in our lives; so too have we been harmed by others. When that happens, we have the opportunity to embrace a restorative mindset and pursue…

Find a Circle Trainer

Find a Circle Trainer

What Are Restorative Circles? Circles (sometimes called circle process or peacemaking circles) are a core restorative practice that create opportunities for participants to share openly and listen intentionally with one another. Rooted in indigenous tradition, circles can be used in instances of conflict and harm, as well as for storytelling, shared reflection, and community building. Increasingly,…

Become a Prison Pen Pal

Become a Prison Pen Pal

What is a pen pal program? Pen pal programs connect individuals who are not in prison (people on the “outside”) with individuals experiencing incarceration (people on the “inside”). With appropriate guidelines and safety measures, pen pals are able to build relationships with one another through regular correspondence.Different pen pal programs might include people on death…

Addressing the Harms of Native American Residential Boarding Schools

Addressing the Harms of Native American Residential Boarding Schools

Informed by relationships with Native and non-Native people who are committed to truth and healing efforts within their respective Catholic institutions, Catholic Mobilizing Network reflects on the need to learn and discern Catholic institutional and individual responses to harm committed against Indigenous peoples and ongoing reparative efforts. On May 11, 2022, the U.S. Department of…