Prayers and Vigils

Prayer of the U.S. Bishops to Address the Sin of Racism

Prayer of the U.S. Bishops to Address the Sin of Racism

Lord of all, we pray for healing to address the persistent sin of racism, which is the rejection of the full humanity of some of your children, and the talents and potential you have given them. We pray for the grace to recognize the systems that do not support the dignity of every person, that…

The Jubilee Prayer

The Jubilee Prayer

Father in heaven,may the faith you have given usin your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,and the flame of charity enkindledin our hearts by the Holy Spirit,reawaken in us the blessed hopefor the coming of your Kingdom. May your grace transform usinto tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.May those seeds transform from within both…

Prayer Vigil on the Day of an Execution (English/Spanish)

Prayer Vigil on the Day of an Execution (English/Spanish)

Drawn from the resources compiled for a Prayer Vigil in Texas, this bilingual resource is aimed at assisting those planning prayer vigils in states where condemned prisoners are to be executed. Although it is specifically worded for a vigil on the night before or day of a scheduled execution, it is easily adaptable to other…

Impending Execution: Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Impending Execution: Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots

The devotion to our Lady Undoer of Knots began in the 2nd century with St. Irenaeus. He wrote, “The knot of Eve’s disobedience was untied by the obedience of Mary; what the virgin Eve bound by her unbelief, the Virgin Mary loosened by her faith.” With this Novena, we pray for Mary, our Advocate, and…

Sample Prayers of the Faithful for Respect Life Month

Sample Prayers of the Faithful for Respect Life Month

These sample prayers of the faithful center around the work to end the death penalty and build a more restorative criminal justice system. They can be used in October during Respect Life Month or any time of the year. >> Click here to download Prayers of the Faithful in Spanish

St. Maximilian Kolbe Prayer Service

St. Maximilian Kolbe Prayer Service

This prayer service focuses on the life and ministry of St. Maximilian Kolbe, patron saint of prisoners and the pro-life movement. Lifting up the work of all pro-life advocates, the service highlights in a particular way our shared Catholic call to end the use of the death penalty. This resource features: A short biography of St. Maximilian Kolbe…

Feast of St. Joseph Prayer Service

Feast of St. Joseph Prayer Service

March 19th is the feast day of St. Joseph, the patron saint of workers, travelers, fathers, immigrants, and the Congregation of St. Joseph, of which Catholic Mobilizing Network is a sponsored ministry. This prayer service takes inspiration in the life of St. Joseph, and asks for this intercession for the work of transforming the criminal…

prayer hands

A Prayer Vigil for an Execution

Intended for use in the days and hours surrounding an execution, CMN’s Prayer Vigil for an Execution allows participants to reflect on the themes of forgiveness and mercy in the face of the death penalty. The service invites all to lift up the dignity of life and pray for those impacted by violence, deepening our…

Guided Holy Hour for an End to the Death Penalty

Guided Holy Hour for an End to the Death Penalty

The culture of life we seek is built on a foundation of prayer. The “Holy Hour of Mercy” resource guides you through an Hour of praying for life and an end to the death penalty. It includes: The St. Michael Prayer The Divine Mercy Chaplet A Litany for Life This guided Holy Hour for Mercy…

Praying with Victims of Violence

Praying with Victims of Violence

A Prayer for Those Affected by Violence and Harm of Any Kind Loving and merciful God, We hold in prayer each of us who have experienced harm, in any form. We especially pray for victims of violence and their families, that they may experience love and support, and find comfort in your compassion. Grant us…

Estampa de oración “Dios misericordioso” para abolir la pena de muerte (Spanish)

Estampa de oración “Dios misericordioso” para abolir la pena de muerte (Spanish)

Dios misericordioso, Tú donas a cada ser humano una dignidad imprescindible que no puede ser eliminada por lo que éste  haya echo o sufrido. Enraizados en el valor sagrado de la vida, trabajamos juntos para transformar el sistema judicial abrogando la pena de muerte. Reafirmamos nuestro compromiso de ¨trabajar con determinación para la abolición de la…

“God of Mercy” Prayer Card

“God of Mercy” Prayer Card

This prayer serves to remind us of the unconditional opportunity for redemption that, as God’s children, we all share. Pray it alone or with others in community, asking God to “sustain our pursuit of reconciling justice, that we may model Christ’s compassion and mercy with our lives.” God of Mercy, You bestow upon every person a dignity that…