Prayers and Vigils

Oración para abolir la pena de muerte

Oración para abolir la pena de muerte

Padre Misericordioso, Te pedimos que bendigas todo lo que hacemos para construir una cultura de paz. Escucha nuestra oración por los que afectados por la pena de muerte. Oramos por todas las personas, para que sus vidas y su dignidad de hijos/as de un Dios amante de la vida sean respectadas y protegidas en todo…

Prayer Vigil on the Day of an Execution

Prayer Vigil on the Day of an Execution

Created for CMN by Pat Doyle Drawn from the resources compiled for a vigil in Texas, CMN is pleased to introduce this bilingual resource to assist those planning prayer vigils in states where condemned prisoners are to be executed. Although it is specifically worded for a vigil on the night before or day of a…

Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots

The devotion to our Lady Undoer of Knots began in the 2nd century with St. Irenaeus. He wrote, “The knot of Eve’s disobedience was untied by the obedience of Mary; what the virgin Eve bound by her unbelief, the Virgin Mary loosened by her faith.” With this Novena, we pray for Mary, our Advocate, and…

CMN’s Prayer for Mercy Prayer Cards

CMN’s Prayer for Mercy Prayer Cards

CMN’s Prayer for Mercy is available for download as a sheet of 4 prayer cards. “God of mercy, Help us to remember your loving compassion as we go forward to spread your message of mercy. Your mercy is your justice, O God, allow our hearts to be open to your grace as we work for…

A Good Friday Reflection to End the Use of the Death Penalty

A Good Friday Reflection to End the Use of the Death Penalty

This reflection is perfect to use with groups or as a personal tool throughout Lent. Including both prayer and informative statistics about the death penalty, this reflection is a great way to mark events of Good Friday. Click the ” download resource” link below to download this PDF.

Sample Prayers of the Faithful for Respect Life Month

These sample prayers of the faithful center around the work to end the death penalty and build a more restorative criminal justice system. Perfect for Respect Life Month or any time of the year, these prayers of the faithful amplify the Catholic call to advocate for all life. Click the ” download resource” link below to…

St. Maximilian Kolbe Prayer Service

St. Maximilian Kolbe Prayer Service

Prepared by: Alexandra Carroll, M.T.S This prayer service focuses on the life and ministry of St. Maximilian Kolbe, patron saint of prisoners and the pro-life movement. Lifting up the work of all pro-life advocates, the service highlights in a particular way our shared Catholic call to end the use of the death penalty. This resource features: A short…

Feast of St. Joseph Prayer Service

Feast of St. Joseph Prayer Service

When you work for the neighbor do it with a very unselfish love which expects no reward for its services, and aim at nothing other than helping him or her and being at the same time pleasing to God. – Congregation of St. Joseph Maxim 55 March 19th is the feast day of St. Joseph, the…

A Prayer Vigil for an Execution

A Prayer Vigil for an Execution

Intended for use in the days and hours surrounding an execution, CMN’s Prayer Vigil for an Execution allows participants to reflect on the themes of forgiveness and mercy in the face of the death penalty. The service invites all to lift up the dignity of life and pray for those impacted by violence, deepening our collective commitment to the work…

Oraciones de los Fieles

Oraciones de los Fieles

Estas oraciones de los fieles subrayan nuestro llamado a ser defensores de TODA vida. Haz clic en el enlace “archivo adjunto de recursos” a continuación para descargar este PDF.

Holy Hour of Mercy

Holy Hour of Mercy

The culture of life we seek is built on a foundation of prayer. The Holy Hour of Mercy is a resource that guides you through an hour of praying for life and an end to the death penalty. Prayers in this hour include: The St. Michael Prayer The Divine Mercy Chaplet Litany for Life. This…

“Dios misericordioso”

“Dios misericordioso”

Dios misericordioso, Tú donas a cada ser humano una dignidad imprescindible que no puede ser eliminada por lo que éste  haya echo o sufrido. Enraizados en el valor sagrado de la vida, trabajamos juntos para transformar el sistema judicial abrogando la pena de muerte. Reafirmamos nuestro compromiso de ¨trabajar con determinación para la abolición de la…