
“Redemption Way” Music Video

“Redemption Way” Music Video

“Redemption Way” is performed by the NIA Men’s Chorus at the Chillicothe Correctional Institution in Ohio. It was composed by one of the group’s members, Brian. In December 2023, the Deputy Warden at Chillicothe Correctional Institution in Ohio asked the Men’s Chorus there to sing for the men on death row at Christmas time. Brian…

Vicki and Syl Schieber — Beacons for the Sanctity of Life

Vicki and Syl Schieber — Beacons for the Sanctity of Life

Vicki and Syl Schieber have been staunch advocates against the death penalty ever since their daughter Shannon was murdered. There faithful witness is one that is rooted in the dignity of life. Hear more about their story.

Healing After Tragedy: Heather Thompson’s Restorative Justice Journey

Healing After Tragedy: Heather Thompson’s Restorative Justice Journey

For years after her brother’s murder, Heather was consumed by anger — toward his killer, toward the legal system, and even toward God. Longing for some peace, she decided she needed to speak with the man who took her brother’s life. Through the restorative justice process that followed, Heather was amazed to find not just…

From Prison to Peacemaker: Felix Rosado’s Restorative Justice Transformation

From Prison to Peacemaker: Felix Rosado’s Restorative Justice Transformation

Felix Rosado spent nine long years blaming everybody for his incarceration but himself. But then, two things happened: he rekindled his Catholic faith and learned about restorative justice. These two discoveries set Felix on an extraordinary journey of accountability and transformation. Click here to learn more about restorative justice.

The Pope’s Prayer Video — For the Abolition of the Death Penalty

The Pope’s Prayer Video — For the Abolition of the Death Penalty

In September 2022, CMN had the privilege of teaming up with the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network to produce a video featuring Pope Francis’ monthly prayer intention: for the abolition of the death penalty. In the video, the Holy Father invites us to pray “that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person,…

[Video] Catholics and Restorative Justice

[Video] Catholics and Restorative Justice

Catholic ministry leaders, restorative justice experts, and people who have been impacted by harm and crime explore the relationship between our Catholic faith and the philosophy and practices of restorative justice. Click here to learn more about restorative justice.

El Video de Oración del Papa — Por la Abolición de la Pena de Muerte (Spanish)

El Video de Oración del Papa — Por la Abolición de la Pena de Muerte (Spanish)

Este video del Papa presenta la intención de oración que el Santo Padre confió a toda la Iglesia Católica en septiembre de 2022 a través de la Red Mundial de Oración del Papa. En esta ocasión, Francisco pidió que se rece “para que la pena de muerte, que atenta contra la inviolabilidad y dignidad de…


CMN Film List

This collection of movies and documentaries explores the issues of capital punishment and restorative justice and highlights themes of mercy, hope, and respect for life. Listed titles include Just Mercy (2019), Dead Man Walking (1996), and Where There is Darkness (2019). (Make sure to visit CMN’s Just Mercy Catholic study guide for reflection questions and Church…