2024 Kick-Off! RJ Ministry Community of Practice

Catholic Mobilizing Network is dedicated to supporting the implementation of restorative justice practices in Catholic ministry across the country. The RJ Ministry Community of Practice is a space where your...

Deepening Circle: Restorative Parish

Join us to explore how restorative practices can be implemented into the life of a Catholic parish! Bringing restorative practices into parishes can be a way to respond to the...

Circle Keeper Cafe: Sharing Circle Ceremonies

Grab a snack or something to sip, and join other facilitators of circle process for a time of fellowship and fresh ideas. This is an informal time to share ideas,...

Intro to Restorative Justice (November 2024)

Join Catholic Mobilizing Network for a virtual 3.5-hour introductory workshop on restorative justice, to learn core concepts and practices related to its application in Catholic ministry. Through presentations, exercises, and sharing,...

Circle Keeper Cafe: Values & Guidelines

Grab a snack or something to sip, and join other facilitators of circle process for a time of fellowship and fresh ideas. This month, we’ll focus on values and guidelines,...

Deepening Circle: Community Care & Resilience

When our communities face fear, overwhelm, and instability, mutual support is critical. Restorative approaches can help us find strength through connection and solidarity. Join us for this month’s Deepening Circle...