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  • Healing After Tragedy: Heather Thompson’s Restorative Justice Journey
    For years after her brother’s murder, Heather was consumed by anger — toward his killer, toward the legal system, and even toward God. Longing for some peace, she decided she needed to speak with the man who took her brother’s life. Through the restorative justice process that followed, Heather was amazed to find not just…
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  • From Prison to Peacemaker: Felix Rosado’s Restorative Justice Transformation
    Felix Rosado spent nine long years blaming everybody for his incarceration but himself. But then, two things happened: he rekindled his Catholic faith and learned about restorative justice. These two discoveries set Felix on an extraordinary journey of accountability and transformation.
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  • The Pope’s Prayer Video — For the Abolition of the Death Penalty
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  • Catholics and the Death Penalty
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  • Catholics and Restorative Justice
    Catholic ministry leaders, restorative justice experts, and people who have been impacted by harm and crime explore the relationship between our Catholic faith and the philosophy and practices of restorative justice.
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  • Welcome to CMN from Bishop Flores
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  • Trial by Fire Movie Trailer
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  • Archbishop Aymond Calls on All Catholics to Oppose the Death Penalty
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  • Oración para abolir la pena de muerte
    Padre Misericordioso, Te pedimos que bendigas todo lo que hacemos para construir una cultura de paz. Escucha nuestra oración por los que afectados por la pena de muerte. Oramos por todas las personas, para que sus vidas y su dignidad de hijos/as de un Dios amante de la vida sean respectadas y protegidas en todo…
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  • Prayer Vigil on the Day of an Execution
    Created for CMN by Pat Doyle Drawn from the resources compiled for a vigil in Texas, CMN is pleased to introduce this bilingual resource to assist those planning prayer vigils in states where condemned prisoners are to be executed. Although it is specifically worded for a vigil on the night before or day of a…
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